Plot: Four everyday suburban guys come together as an excuse to escape their humdrum lives one night a week. But when they accidentally discover that their town has become overrun with aliens posing as ordinary suburbanites, they have no choice but to save their neighborhood – and the world – from total extermination.

Genre: Comedy | Sci-Fi
IMDB Rating: 5.8/10 from 11,870 users
Directed by: Akiva Schaffer
Starring: Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn and Jonah Hill
Release Name: The.Watch.2012.720p.BluRay.x264-SPARKS
Size: 4.37 GB
Video: MKV | 1280×544 | 4700 Kbps
Audio: English | DTS | 1509 kbps
Runtime: 1h 42m
Subtitles: (HERE)
Links: iMDB | Trailer | NFO | Torrent Search