Plot: Derrill Davis aka Dee Dee (played by T. Miles) lives the life as a professional used car salesman by day and one of Atlanta’s most deadly and feared undercover street gangsters by night. He hooks up partner oneway Boobe aka Ray and does a string of crimes that involve robbing, kidnapping and the killing of well-known drug dealers. When Dee Dee gets a big opportunity to take out one of Atlanta’s most known drug dealers, “Bingo” (played by Dino), for $1.3 million, Dee Dee discovers that on the night of the robbery, he is left with a tough decision; break or honor the code of the streets, leave no witnesses.

Genre: Action | Drama
IMDB Rating: -/10
Directed by: Terry Miles
Starring: One Way Boobe, Big sam of the Eastside Boys and City Boys
Release Name: Recognize.2012.VODRip.X264.AC3-MATA
Size: 790 MB
Video: MKV | 720×400 | 1 000 Kbps
Audio: English | AC-3 | 192 Kbps
Runtime: 1h 32mn
Samples: Video @ #1, #2, #3
Links: iMDB | Trailer | NFO | Torrent Search